Art Robbins CrysCam UV
Art Robbins CrysCam UV
The CrysCam UV automatically scans plates capturing visual, UV and fluorescent images. The instrument reads and captures all 96 in visual light and/or UV light.
•View both visual and UV image for a specific well at the same time.
•3.5x to 20x optical zoom.
•Powered focus and zoom through the software; image stays focused when zooming.
•Flag and score wells of interest.
•View individual wells with or without a polarizer.
•Users can input any SBS plate format. Larger sizes plates can also be accommodated such as Linbro plates.
•Capture crystal images in nano size drop.
Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor
Image courtesy of:
Ziva Vuckovic Mueller, Ph.D.
Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Monash University (Parkville Campus)
Victoria 3052, Australia
Optical Specifications
•Optical magnification range: 3.5x to 20x
•Field of view: 800 microns to 4.5 mm
•Camera Resolution: 6.0 Mpixel
•Sensor size: 1 inch
Physical Specifications
•Size: 21" (53 cm) wide X 14" (XX cm) deep X 24" (XX cm)high
•Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg)
•100 to 240 Vac, 3A
The CrysCam UV automatically scans plates capturing visual, UV and fluorescent images. The instrument reads and captures all 96 in visual light and/or UV light.
•View both visual and UV image for a specific well at the same time.
•3.5x to 20x optical zoom.
•Powered focus and zoom through the software; image stays focused when zooming.
•Flag and score wells of interest.
•View individual wells with or without a polarizer.
•Users can input any SBS plate format. Larger sizes plates can also be accommodated such as Linbro plates.
•Capture crystal images in nano size drop.

Image courtesy of:
Ziva Vuckovic Mueller, Ph.D.
Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Monash University (Parkville Campus)
Victoria 3052, Australia
Optical Specifications
•Optical magnification range: 3.5x to 20x
•Field of view: 800 microns to 4.5 mm
•Camera Resolution: 6.0 Mpixel
•Sensor size: 1 inch
Physical Specifications
•Size: 21" (53 cm) wide X 14" (XX cm) deep X 24" (XX cm)high
•Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg)
•100 to 240 Vac, 3A